So back to today, I got cracking to see how many things there would be in my list. 1063. Wow, this really felt like a lot. I tried to reason that this was actually not too bad, considering the code base is almost 1 million lines long, but damn if I didn't go and make a brew to consider my task.
Tea in hand I returned to my desk, and started to analyse the results. I was happy to discover that the bulk of the todo comments (~700) were actually a form of annotating that the method was overriding a method in a parent class from before override annotations were a thing.
Boosted by this I set about the remaining comments with increased optimism. This didn't last however as the rest of the TODO's were a weird and wonderful bunch. A few helpful ones that just said nothing, some where you could feel the original developer letting off steam with a useful //TODO NOOOOOOOOOOOOooooOOooOO!!! However just over 200 of the remaining TODO's I had to mark as 'requiring further investigation'. These will be given to the senior developers to look at further.
In all, it took about 5 hours to complete my review and hand it off. The overriding lessons that I took from the exercise was:
- Don't write TODO comments
- If you have to, you will forget about them before you get back to them
- You will write something that makes sense to you then, and only you at that time
Happy commenting,